2. Apr, 2024

Kirke Kangro. Tehumardi – Alternative Information Space

The thirty slabs of the Tehumardi memorial will be covered with tiles similar to the existing ones. Instead of Soviet symbolism, the tiles will carry new visual information – a graphic novel chronicling what happened at Tehumardi. In a comic-style creation, the viewer can see the tragic story of the Battle of Tehumardi, the subsequent Soviet-era attempt to create a memorial, the work of the sculptors-architects of the time, the final tiles telling the story of the current situation and the issues surrounding the memorial – the debate over whether to dismantle or adapt. Some of the tiles await the next developments of the memorial. In this way, the plaques, whose information and validity have been wrong from the moment of their installation – and whose validity as gravestones is also questionable – will reflect the situation and its problematic directly.